Sunday, May 31, 2015

Take a Word - Steampunk!

Take a Word Challenge!


Valerie-Jael said...

Love this one, those 2 are really dressed up and geared out! Hugs, Valerie

peggy gatto said...

Wow, what power these 2 have, amazing creation!

Lori Saul said...

Absolutely perfect!

Judy said...

What a magnificent pair, Yvonne, love how they are set against the printed word!

Ozstuff said...

What attitude! What condescension! I think I would feel superior in such an intricate and fiendishly clever steampunk costume! This one is special, Yvonne. Love the texty background too.

sirkkis said...

Stunning couple.

Deann said...

These two are all ready to go punking great job Yvonne.

Taluula said...

Fabulous steampunkery, Yvonne.