Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Three Muses - Chicken!

The Three Muses Challenge!


Lori Saul said...

Absolutely adorable!

Electra said...

THAT is the question! lol

peggy gatto said...

HA! wonderful!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Very nice! Hugs, Valerie

indybev said...

Ah, the ago old dilemma....but this time so beautifully presented. I love it!

Taluula said...

Ha ha, if you find the answer let me know as well. Love it.

Ozstuff said...

Now there's a question that will never be answered!! Perhaps there was a Garden of Eden for chickens where Adam Rooster and Eve Hen appeared out of a puff of smoke. It's a gorgeous take on the challenge, Yvonne. I love it.