Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Three Muses - Insects!

The Three Muses Challenge!


peggy gatto said...

Amazing webs they weave....not a spider fan because they move too fast.....but amazzed by their web designs!!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Spiders scare me, but your project is well made. Hugs, Valerie

Lori Saul said...

An amazing natural scene!

Deann said...

Fabulous, fabulous work... love it.

Machele O'Dufaigh said...

You've truly showcased the artistry of the spider's web. Well done!

Ozstuff said...

This is a bit close to home for me, Yvonne. Just this morning I found a black widow spider in my kitchen sink. He was all black as males of this species should be. His widow has a bright red streak. They are highly poisonous. I am usually a friend of nature and I pick spiders and small lizards up with a tissue and put them outside. I'm ashamed to say that the one in the sink was washed down the drain!
Love your spider in its web. Long may he live!

Christine said...

Great work! These insects are fascinating.

Judy said...

Wonderful web you have woven for the challenge, Yvonne!

Anonymous said...


Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Such a woven art work is like a miracle!
Hugs Anja

indybev said...

I still remember in my childhood the magic of a spider web in an early morning glistening with morning dew. They were magical. On the other hand, I'm still shuddering at Marie's story of finding a black widow spider in her sink! YIKES!

Taluula said...

Very original and somehow beautiful too, Yvonne.

Meggymay said...

Spiders are not my favourite insect but they do weave wonderful webs, its a great page.

Art and Life by TS said...

Iik! I afraid spiders! But great picture anyway :)